Throughout my lifetime I have battled with the "C" word for as long as I can remember. I always thought of myself as this akward person who could never be considered beautiful or loved by anyone else besides her family and dearest friends. However after 22 yrs of being on this earth Ive come to realize one thing is true. At the end of the day no matter what anyone think, says, or does I am going to bed with myself, i have to live with myself through any and every decision I make. Granted my family and friends will be there no matter what But I cannot rely on anyone or anything be it men, clothes, money, jewels, cars, or any other shallow source in which most of us seek for inner happiness time to time. We as young women have to be CONFIDENT in knowing that we are all we have. We are beautiful, intelligent, and play a prominent role in this world. We are the source in which each human has came out of (sorry to get graphic lol) .Thus with everything said I am certain of 3 things( shot out to Helen Reddy track) : I AM STRONG, I AM INVINCIBLE, I AM WOMAN.......HEAR ME ROAR!!!! So get ur ''Cs" up ladies because we've got a long life ahead of us and confidence can certainly bring you through a lot!